SOLD OUT!The Wharton Club of Atlanta, the Penn Alumni Club of Atlanta, Duke Atlanta and Kellogg Alumni Club of Atlanta are hosting an event at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on September 28th where economist Paula Tkac will share her thoughts on the current market environment.
Paula Tkac is a vice president and senior economist on the financial markets team in the research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. She leads the financial markets team and serves as an adviser. Dr. Tkac conducts research on various financial market topics including investor decision-making, the mutual fund industry, financial regulation, and the recent financial crisis and policy responses. Her research has won two William F. Sharpe Awards at the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
In addition to publishing in academic journals, Dr. Tkac frequently speaks to academic and practitioner groups and has appeared on C-SPAN and as an op-ed writer in the Wall Street Journal.
Dr. Tkac earned her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in economics from the University of Chicago.
There will be an opportunity to network, tour the Monetary Museum, and ask questions to our speaker. Hors d'oeuvres and 2 drink tickets will be included. Please note that registration will end on September 26th for security purposes.
Cost: [SOLD OUT!]
Members - $20
Non-Members - $25
We will look forward to seeing you there!
Questions? Contact Kalpi Desai