Policies That Work Series: Real Estate, Interest Rates, and the Shifting American Dream

Date and Time
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
12:30pm— 1:30pm
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Wharton webinar

Policies That Work Series: Real Estate, Interest Rates, and the Shifting American Dream

How Changing Markets Are Redefining Homeownership


How are changing policies and market conditions reshaping the dream of American homeownership? In this event, you will discover how shifts in mortgage rates, housing affordability, and market trends are impacting access to homeownership, and learn how policymakers and industry leaders are working to address these issues to create a more sustainable future for housing.

The Panelists:

Joe Gyourko is the Martin Bucksbaum Professor of Real Estate, Finance and Business & Public Policy at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also serves as the Nancy Nasher and David Haemiseggar Director of the Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at Wharton.

Susan Wachter is the Albert Sussman Professor of Real Estate and Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. From 1998 to 2001, she served as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the senior urban policy official and Principal Advisor to the Secretary. During her tenure at HUD, Wachter’s office was responsible for the New Markets Tax Credit, the major legislative initiative for urban revitalization, with the goal of attracting private capital into low-income communities.

The Moderator:

Maisy Wong is the James T. Riady Associate Professor of Real Estate at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include labor mobility, urbanization, and real estate finance. At Wharton, she has taught courses on Real Estate Investments and Global Real Estate markets to undergraduate and MBA students, and has several Excellence in Teaching Awards.


Learn more about the series and upcoming events: whr.tn/policiesthatwork

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