Join us for a structured networking event via Zoom to help build valuable relationships with your fellow Wharton Club members. This will be a "cross-Club" event between the Wharton Clubs of Atlanta, Dallas, National Capital Region (Washington, DC), Philadelphia and Southern California.
Tuesday, September 26th
8 pm Eastern Time
To facilitate the call, we are asking the attendees to prepare and share one slide - using as many or as few photos, graphics or logos (not text) as would fit on a slide - that highlight your background, bio, hobbies, interests, fun facts, etc. Each person will have up to 2 minutes to talk about their slide.
***Update 9/26: If you have the time today to email a slide, please send it to [email protected] by 7 pm EST. If not, no worries, you are welcome to join the conversation. Zoom info is below ***
Please send your slide to [email protected] (A master deck of all presentations will be compiled for the call.)
August’s Cross Club Networking Zoom Event had 20+ attendees. Thus, for the September event the first 15 individuals to submit slides will be presenting. (However, non-presenting attendees are welcome to join the conversation!)
Call Outline:
10 minutes: Welcome / Host Intros / Format Overview / Success Stories
30 minutes: 15 Presentations
15 minutes: Q&A / Group Conversation
5 minutes: Closing
No RSVP is necessary.
Zoom details:
Time: Sep 26, 2023, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 6446 3833
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