Can We Trust Blockchain?

Date and Time
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
6:00pm— 8:00pm
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Offices of Womble Bond Dickinson
271 17th St NW
Atlanta, GA 30363
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Wharton Lifelong Learning, in partnership with the Wharton Club of Atlanta, is pleased to present an evening with Professor Kevin Werbach. 

A decade after the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper, blockchain and cryptocurrencies remain wildly misunderstood. In an era when conventional trust is collapsing, the blockchain offers powerful new opportunities — but also creates serious new risks. Wharton professor Kevin Werbach, author of the new book "The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust," offers a balanced analysis of blockchain’s true potential, as well as its limitations and what it will take to overcome them. He maps out the often-confusing landscape and shows how the path to trustworthy blockchains and crypto assets surprisingly runs through law, regulation, and governance.

Kevin Werbach
Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics
The Wharton School

Kevin Werbach is a professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. A world-renowned expert on emerging technology, he examines business and policy implications of developments such as broadband, big data, gamification, and blockchain. Werbach served on the Obama Administration’s Presidential Transition Team, founded the Supernova Group (a technology conference and consulting firm), helped develop the U.S. approach to internet policy during the Clinton Administration, and created one of the most successful massive open online courses, with over 450,000 enrollments. His books include For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business and The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust.

Can We Trust Blockchain

Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Offices of Womble Bond Dickinson
271 17th Street NW #2499, Atlanta, GA
Cost: $20 for Members, $25 for Non-Members. Heavy hors d'oeuvres and drinks included in the cost of registration.

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Can We Trust Blockchain
Can We Trust Blockchain
Map & Directions

Offices of Womble Bond Dickinson

271 17th St NW, #2400, Atlanta, GA 30363, United States,
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