The Wharton School 2017 MBA Reunion Committees invite you to join them on Thursday, January 12, 017 at 6 PM for Pre-Reunion Cocktails at Gordon Biersch in Buckhead. Please come raise a glass together in anticipation of our Wharton Reunion.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, Janaury 10th.
The event is FREE, so please RSVP so we know you are coming! We hope you will join us and encourage other Wharton friends to join the fun too!
Please feel free to bring your spouses and significant others!
Your Wharton Altanta All-Reunion Committee
Katie Kilborn, WG'16
Khadir Richie, WG'02
Seth Roseman, WG'02
Tracey Rosenbluth Howard, WG'97
Warren Colter, WG'87
Bob Blumenthal, WG'63
The Wharton Club of Atlanta